Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back to the ...DRAWING board! ...amirite?

No? ..Not funny?

You're not funny!

Anyway, I had a thought about the comic. Again. Because I'm constantly thinking about it and can't put this thing to rest. But the thought was simply that I shouldn't force a full length story out of my head when I haven't had one pop into my brain in the longest time. And the ones that are already there? Even they don't interest me enough right now for me to want to draw them. If I'm not interested in the story I'm drawing, then there's no point in drawing it. And for that matter, it's useless to just spout out a random, thoughtless story just so I'll have something to draw. So here's the plan: it's the old plan.

The old plan was to just do those mini stories or just unrelated strips based on events and jokes that happen in my life. But the problem was that I quickly grew bored with this idea when I started to draw it.

But while reading Least I Could Do today, I was randomly struck with a little bit of inspiration. (PS: LICD is a fantastic webcomic. I highly recommend it.. especially if you're into hilarity and sex. Here's the link :D ) Anyoo, it occurred to me that maybe I wasn't bored with the -idea-, I was bored with the characters (no offense, loved ones. kisses!). Drawing a comic based loosely on my life, just with imaginary characters? That would be IMMENSE fun! I'm actually really excited about it now. I think that will be my project for Fall Break (this weekend): making an alter-ego for everybody close to me.

This is going to be fun!

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