Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back to the ...DRAWING board! ...amirite?

No? ..Not funny?

You're not funny!

Anyway, I had a thought about the comic. Again. Because I'm constantly thinking about it and can't put this thing to rest. But the thought was simply that I shouldn't force a full length story out of my head when I haven't had one pop into my brain in the longest time. And the ones that are already there? Even they don't interest me enough right now for me to want to draw them. If I'm not interested in the story I'm drawing, then there's no point in drawing it. And for that matter, it's useless to just spout out a random, thoughtless story just so I'll have something to draw. So here's the plan: it's the old plan.

The old plan was to just do those mini stories or just unrelated strips based on events and jokes that happen in my life. But the problem was that I quickly grew bored with this idea when I started to draw it.

But while reading Least I Could Do today, I was randomly struck with a little bit of inspiration. (PS: LICD is a fantastic webcomic. I highly recommend it.. especially if you're into hilarity and sex. Here's the link :D ) Anyoo, it occurred to me that maybe I wasn't bored with the -idea-, I was bored with the characters (no offense, loved ones. kisses!). Drawing a comic based loosely on my life, just with imaginary characters? That would be IMMENSE fun! I'm actually really excited about it now. I think that will be my project for Fall Break (this weekend): making an alter-ego for everybody close to me.

This is going to be fun!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Still Thinking

Maybe I shouldn't write the story at all. Maybe my job should just be to draw the comic. What if I teamed up with somebody else who did the story and I did the art?

I'm not sure I would like that, though. It would have to be somebody I'm very close to, at least. Like my sister or Stephen. They're both highly creative and really inspire me..it's troo. c:

But if I did that, I would be TRIPLE afraid of my habit of growing bored with the project and quitting with it. But maybe that is the sort of inspiration I need...

Why do I need this so badly?

Son, I am disappoint.

Turns out normal humans can be played. I just didn't look hard enough. :D Teaa Dalca, the Celestial Spellcaster it is!

Also, I'm not entirely sure anymore that the comic is ever actually going to happen. I'm either too busy with school during the year, or I'm busy with making money during summer break. That, and I'm just not feeling creative enough. D: I want to make one, but I don't have the ideas or enough actual motivation. I am disappoint.

Maybe I'm trying the wrong approach, though. With past comics, I've had an actual story, and that has been what fueled me to draw the pages. The comic I was planning this time was just going to be strips of random jokes not connected to each other. I failed to recall the fact that...I'm not funny. At least not in the "O hai, listen to this joke I just made up," kind of way. And because I can't think of material, I don't think I should go with that sort of comic.

I just figured it would be an easier genre of comic to do, as with the "graphic novels" (and I use that term loosely) I used to draw, would fall apart after a while because I was very disorganized in how I wrote them. I'm a beginner, and jumping into WOAH DRAMA stories (like I always seem to want to do) seemed to have been a bad decision.

I'm determined to get a comic going, though. If I have to write the kind of story I'm used to, then by George, I'll find a more efficient way to write it.

I don't even know why I want to draw a comic. I just love doing it. XD And I need to practice sticking to something.

It's decided! I'll pick a story and begin production as soon as I catch a break from homework. Which I guess I have a break now, seeing as how I'm blogging.

I just wish that my desktop (I'm on my laptop right now) would work properly. It has all of my art programs on it, but it's been freezing up and then won't turn back on completely. I'll set out to try to fix it next weekend, if I get the chance. It's a long weekend.

Woah. I certainly covered substantial ground in this entry. I went from :C to :D back to :C again.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

LARP Thoughts

There is no mention of regular, run-of-the-mill humans on the Shadowmoor website. And that's what I really want to play. But I looked at the races and I guess that if I have to play any of the ones listed, I could go with a Sampan. I'd just have to find some elf ears...

And I had just decided on a name for a human. Teaa Dalca!

This race is Asian-influenced, so I'd have to look for a name like that.

I know, I know. I won't be going until March, if I go at all, but I'm just so excited about the opportunity to play again.


I was thinking that she could have been kicked off her ship because of she was known for her bad luck. And I could just go from there.

But that's just if I have to play a Sampan instead of a boring old  human.

I should just message Becca already. She can tell me this sort of stuff. XD But I'm so shy..

I'll do it anyway. It won't be so bad.

I need to make my paragraphs more than just one or two sentences. This is ridiculous.

I think this is going to be a larp and art journal. That's what it's looking like.

Munchin' On The Hatertots..they're Delicious!

So, people have got me down, but at least life in general is looking pretty darn good.

Wait, if this is a new journal, should I introduce myself or something? I'm not expecting multitudes of people to be reading it, and those that do would already know me...sooo

HI! I'm Callie and I'm freakin' pleased to meet you! Now, down to business.

So, I've been struggling to come up with a title for the comic I want to draw. I just feel like if I could get an "official" title down, then that would seriously motivate me to work harder to get the ball rolling. So what are my options? Well, I was thinking of something centered around sweet potatoes (yay, inside jokes), so I said "Spuds."
But spuds are white potatoes. Yams. Yams are the way to go. My mom posted like a million titles related to yams on my Facebook and it was just crazy. "Yammatime" "Yammajamma" "Yamajama?"

Though, I thought I liked YammaJamma, but maybe I could just stick with Yams.

Or something totally different. I started with the title "Scrambled Eggs."

Basically, if you've never met me before and you're reading this journal, you have just learned that I'm a very food-oriented person (Nice way of saying "a pig").


Another thought! Stephen and I were talking about the comic and I've decided I'd like to team up with him to get gaming jokes for it. Honestly, the only games I really get into are The Sims, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Pokemon, and WoW. I guess I could make a decent amount of strips based on that, but it would be fun to broaden my horizons with games that other people would be interested in.

And Stephen knows video games. :D Plus he's really creative when it comes to giving me ideas whenever I've run dry. We'd make a good team, I think.


Anyway, I'll keep "you" posted on the status of the comic. Hopefully it happens.